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Flagship Group

Norfolk, Suffolk, East Of England

About us

We’re Flagship. We build homes, let, improve and maintain them for people in need. Making homes available and affordable for all is easy to say but hard to deliver on. We don’t simply want to make a difference to our customers and their communities – we want to solve the housing crisis too. We know that’s ambitious, but we’re well placed to lead the challenge. We also believe we have a fundamental responsibility to do so. To help us, we build homes for sale, reinvesting any profit we make where it’s needed most - we call it profit for purpose.

There is an acute housing crisis in the East of England. Above average and inconsistent property prices, too few homes for local needs, ageing housing stock and an ageing population are all tough challenges to crack. By spending money wisely, improving relentlessly and working together in partnership with other businesses, housing associations and local authorities, we can meet our ambitious goal. As Flagship, we can make a difference, but together we can solve the housing crisis in the East of England.


Why choose a career with Flagship?

I began my level six Chartered Degree Apprenticeship in the autumn of 2019. With much excitement mixed with a degree of anxiety, given it had been a number of years since I had been involved in learning. Although challenging, it has been a great experience so far, being able to engage my brain and improve my knowledge and skills, that are highly relevant to my role working at RFT Service’s. Core modules, such as leadership, project management and management accounting have provided me with additional skills and knowledge to develop myself and, equally important, grow and nurture my team. I feel very fortunate that I have been given this opportunity from RFT and continue to study hard and feed my newly acquired skills and knowledge into my role.” - Level 6 Charted Degree Apprentice.

We give our people the freedom to try new things and do whatever they need, to solve problems in doing what’s right for our customers. After all, we know that great people doing great things delivers outstanding customer service.

It’s our priority to treat our people well and offer a rewarding working life. To us, this means creating an environment where our staff can excel in their performance and develop their skills to take them closer to achieving their own career goals. 

What Flagship offers? 

Flagship Group offer a wide range of apprenticeships to suit many career paths. With over 60 apprentices currently employed, there are many opportunities available. Flagship Group strives to provide career enhancing benefits where everyone can excel. Apprentices are given a dedicated Mentor who can help guide, develop and enhance key skills and help them achieve their ambitions. 

It’s our people who create an organisation that is a unique and an inspiring place to be. Every role, no matter where in the business, plays a valuable part in delivering a great service to match the needs of our customers.

At Flagship Group we offer a range of apprenticeships, to find out more please contact apprenticeships@flagship-group.co.uk or visit our apprenticeship page on our website.

Follow us here on Icanbea and visit our careers page on our website to see what opportunities we could offer you.

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Flagship Academy
Bright Futures Apprenticeship Programme | Matt & Ellie
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