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Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust

Career Development Team, Colman Offices, Colman Road, Norwich, NR4 7EH

About us

The NHS was launched in 1948 and was born out of a long-held ideal that good healthcare should be available to all, regardless of wealth - a principle that remains at its core. With the exception of some charges, such as prescriptions and optical and dental services, the NHS in England remains free at the point of use for anyone who is a UK resident. That is currently more than 64.1 million people in the UK and 53.9 million people in England alone. The NHS in England deals with over 1 million patients every 36 hours. It covers everything from antenatal screening and routine screenings such as the NHS Health Check and treatments for long-term conditions, to transplants, emergency treatment and end-of-life care.

Norfolk Community Health and Care

At NCH&C our focus is on continually improving the quality of care we offer to local people and on improving access to that care, helping people to move seamlessly from one service to another. We serve a population of 900,000 people, in and around Norfolk, making us one of the largest providers of community health and care services in the NHS. Our aim is to constantly improve our patient's lives by providing you with the best care, close to where you live. Our specialist teams all across Norfolk provide personalised health and care services for everyone, from babies to the elderly.

Our Vision

To improve the quality of people's lives, in their homes and community, by providing the best in integrated health and social care.

We employ 2,250 full-time equivalent members of staff. 80% of these are healthcare professionals, such as doctors, dentists, nurses, health care assistants and physiotherapists.

Many others are people you will meet or speak to over the phone from the administrative assistant who arranges your appointment, to the receptionist who greets you when you arrive at our clinics or community hospitals. Other staff work behind the scenes, maintaining our wards and clinics, ensuring our services are of the highest and safest standards, or making sure NHS money is well-spent on the best healthcare for our communities.

Norfolk Community Health and Care delivers a wide range of personalised care services for everyone, from babies to the elderly, including end of life care to people who are dying and their families. Our mission is to deliver care closer to home which means we need staff with appropriate skills able to deliver care in a wide range of settings and we are prepared to develop the skills to meet these demands.


Want to learn a new skill or have an opportunity to gain relevant qualifications that will help improve career progression opportunities?

All staff can undertake an apprenticeship framework/standard as an existing member of staff free of charge and will remain on the same salary. The only conditions are that you must be aged 16 or over and have been a resident in the UK/EEA for the last three years.

There is a wide range of available apprenticeships to develop your skills, including:
  • Healthcare Support Worker – level 2 (e.g. Nursing Assistant, Healthcare Assistant)
  • Assistant Practitioner - level 5
  • Trainee Nursing Associate - level 5
  • Nursing Apprenticeship - level 6 
  • Physiotherapy Apprenticeship - level 6
  • Podiatry Apprenticeship - level 6
  • Business Administration – level 3 
  • Customer Service (e.g. Receptionist or Hub Administrator) – level 2 
  • Business Administration - level 3
  • HR Support – level 3
  • People Professional – level 5
  • Team Leader/Supervisor – Level 3
  • Operations/Departmental Manager – level 5
  • Chartered Management Degree Apprenticeship – level 6
  • Senior Leadership MBA - level 7
  • Finance - levels 3-7

You will be expected to commit study time per week and to submitting a wide variety of evidence including essays, case studies, witness statements and participating in observations, revision and exams.

If you are interested in undertaking an apprenticeship or have any questions, please contact us on the details below.

For more information email: careerdevelopment@nchc.nhs.uk 

Follow us on icanbea and visit our website https://wearenchc.nhs.uk/apprenticeships/ 

12 Videos

NCHC Brand Video
We Are NCH&C
Series 3: Ep. 06 Apprenticeships with Harri Smithson
Series 5 Ep. 34 Work Experience with Carrie and Zoe
View all Videos

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