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Suffolk & Norfolk SCITT

Suffolk & Norfolk

Welcome to Suffolk and Norfolk School Centred Initial Teacher Training

Teaching can be one of the most exciting, rewarding and challenging careers you can choose.

Suffolk and Norfolk School Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT) is a dynamic, high-quality teacher training provider which offers a range of school-based routes into teaching. We are the largest SCITT in the country based on the number of trainees on the school based teacher training routes we offer. 

We are the largest SCITT in the country as we train over 250 trainees across all of our training routes. We are well regarded by local schools across Suffolk and Norfolk which is demonstrated by the number of schools which offer training placements and employ our trainees as newly qualified teachers.

All of our Initial Teacher Training courses offer a Postgraduate Certificate in Education, 60 Masters level credits together with Qualified Teacher Status in partnership with the University of Suffolk

Interested in becoming a primary teacher? 

If you would like to train and become a primary school teacher then read about how to train with our outstanding Primary PGCE programme with the Tuition and Salaried routes.  If you are an instructor working in school or you originally trained abroad and would like to gain Qualified Teacher Status, you might wish to look at our Primary Assessment Only Route.

Interested in becoming a secondary teacher? 

If you would like to train in a secondary school, learn more about our highly rated Secondary PGCE training courses  with the Tuition and Salaried routes which offer full time courses as well as a part time training route over two years in many subjects . There is also our Secondary Assessment Only Route for instructors working in school or for those who originally trained abroad.

We also provide advice on our website about making an application and also finance too while you are training.

We would be delighted to talk to you and discuss any questions you might have so please contact us via the details on our Contact page or come to one of our many free recruitment information events across Suffolk and Norfolk which you will find listed on our Events page.

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