Home My Page Job Ideas Entomologist



Job Description

An Entomologist is a scientist who studies insects. They may study pests which affect agriculture, forests, veterinary and medicine and look for different methods on control or they may specialise in beneficial insects such as honey bees, silkworms, ladybirds etc. Many are also involved with IPM (Integrated Pest Management) and will research more environmentally friendly ways of pest control techniques.

(You might also consider: Field Biologist)

Entry Requirements

You could get into this job through:


It may be possible to enter at trainee or technician level.

You will usually need GCSE's/S grades and A levels/H grades, or equivalent qualifications. Subjects should include maths, science (including biology) and English. Geography and geology can also be useful.


At present there are no degrees in entomology, but entomology modules are available in the following:

  • biology
  • zoology
  • biological sciences
  • environmental science

Click here to search for a suitable course.

You'll usually need 2 to 3 A levels, or equivalent, for a degree.

Career Tips

Experience is as important as qualifications, so doing voluntary work in museums or with conservation organisations, for example, is a good way to learn skills such as insect identification, sample sorting and conservation techniques.

It is also useful to join entomological societies, conservation organisations or study groups, subscribe to entomological journals and hold collections (specimens or photos) of insects.

Required Skills

  • A strong interest in insects and their behaviour
  • Good presentation skills
  • Excellent communication skills
  • An interest in protecting the environment
  • The ability to concentrate for long periods of time

Salary Range

£16,000 to £35,000

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