Home Explore Job Ideas Architect



Job Description


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Architects create designs for new projects, extensions, redevelopments and alterations. They use their specialist construction knowledge and drawing skills to design buildings that are functional, sustainable, safe and pleasing to the eye. They may also be involved in restoration and conservation work.

Entry Requirements

There are various ways in which you can get into this job role and the entry requirements can vary depending on what you choose to do:

An apprenticeship

You can get into this role through an architect degree apprenticeship.

You'll usually need:

  • 4 or 5 GCSEs at grades 9 to 4 (A* to C) and A levels, or equivalent, for a higher or degree apprenticeship

A university course

You'll need to complete:

  • a degree recognised by the Architects Registration Board (ARB)
  • a year of practical work experience
  • a further 2 years' full-time university course like BArch, Diploma, MArch
  • a year of practical training
  • a final qualifying exam

Many course providers will also want to see a portfolio of your drawings and sketches.

You'll usually need:

  • 5 GCSEs at grades 9 to 4 (A* to C), or equivalent, including English, maths and science
  • 2 to 3 A levels, or equivalent, for a degree

Click here to search for a suitable course.

Career Path and Progression

If you're working for a private architectural firm, you may be able to move up to become a partner or associate.

In public sector roles, with experience you could move into a lead architect job.

You could also work on projects as a freelance consultant, or set up your own business. 

You may get opportunities to work overseas.

Related careers you may be interested in:

  • Acoustics consultant
  • Architectural technologist
  • Civil engineer
  • Interior designer
  • Structural engineer

Required Skills

  • Excellent design and drawing skills
  • Good creativity
  • A keen interest in buildings and the built environment
  • Good organisational skills
  • Strong attention to detail
  • Good communicator both written and verbal
  • Excellent IT skills
  • Good team player

Salary Range

£27,500 to £90,000

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