WS training

Bury St Edmunds, Ipswich

About us

WS Training offer a range of commercial training courses to organisations and individuals available to be delivered remotely, at one our training facilities or your premises. From Human Resources, Health & Safety, Management Development, IT and Personal Development, there are over 120 courses on offer. We also run bespoke courses tailored to your specific needs.

Whether you are experiencing our training from the comfort of your home/working environment or at our well-equipped training centres, you can be rest assured you will receive the same level of quality and service we pride ourselves on.

Our Mission

To operate a premier training company dedicated to integrity, professionalism and growth, achieved through continuous development.   

To provide our existing and prospective clients with effective quality training, knowledge and skills that meet their individual needs and exceed their expectations, equipping them to face the challenges of the future.

Commercial Training Courses

WS Training offer a range of commercial training courses to organisations and individuals through classroom and remote learning. 

From Human Resources, Health & Safety, Management Development, IT and Personal Development, there are over 120 courses on offer.

We also run bespoke courses tailored to specific needs and deliver training at premises, remotely or at one of our 3 training facilities. For more information visit our website WS Training Commercial Courses or call us on 01284 788005 or email

Supported Learning

Our supported learning programme is for young people aged 16-24 with Special educational Needs. We provide a holistic approach in our delivery to support young people to grow as individuals, develop aspirations for the future and strategies to achieve progression towards long term goals.

Our programme includes:

  • Vocational skills Development 
  • Employability
  • Enterprise
  • Maths and English
  • Work Experience
  • Wider Skills Development

Entry Requirements

Educational Health and Care Plan (EHCP), statement of Needs or evidence of significant barriers to learning.

Attendance-3 days per week (36 week programme over the course of the academic year)

What can you expect?

As a learner at WS Training you will do your best to:

  • Attend WS Training regularly and on time
  • Be on time for lessons and ready to learn
  • Work to the best of my ability at all times
  • Show respect for others both in and out of WS Training
  • Respect the learning environment and the local community
  • Have a positive attitude towards, and participate fully in, the life at WS Training
  • Help to keep other learners safe by avoiding any bullying behaviour and reporting any bullying incidents
  • Follow WS Training Behaviour Policy and co-operate with members of staff

At WS Training we will do our best to provide a carefully planned curriculum matched to the needs of your child, along with a variety of enrichment activities

  • Keep parents and carers informed about the work planned for each term
  • Provide a supportive, secure and caring environment in which your child can achieve their potential
  • Arrange parent meetings to discuss academic progress and provide written progress reports each term
  • Provide clear expectations of behaviour as set out in our behaviour policy
  • Listen to and respond quickly to any concerns learners, parents and carers may have

Study Programme Curriculum Offer

WS Training Ltd offers a Study Programme for young people aged 16 – 19 (up to 25 with an EHCP). The curriculum is person focused and designed along with the learner at the start of their programme to ensure it meets their needs, aspirations and goals.

The Supported Learning Centre in Ipswich caters for a wide range of levels and abilities across various pathways. We also have a centre in Colchester offering young people the opportunity to develop their skills and knowledge to help prepare and help move them into employment.

All pathways offer learners an insight into industry, regardless of what level they are at. This will encourage learners to learn about various industries, gain an insight into the area they would like to explore further and develop employability skills through quality work experience.

All pathways offer the opportunity for:

English, Maths and IT (including Functional Skills)

Personal and Social Development

Gardening, Horticulture and Forestry Learning

Effective Argumentation and Alternative Communication

Work Experience, Volunteering and Enterprise

Enrichment activities supporting wider skills development

Small group and 1:1 learning where required

Tutorials and welfare support


Next Steps – This pathway is an employability-based programme at Levels 1 and 2, which focuses on developing core skills to help and prepare young people for employability. This pathway incorporates work experience, Employability Skills Award / Certificate, Maths and English, as well as life and social skills. This course has various entry and exit points to allow young people to have an individualised programme that meets their goals and aspirations.

Entry requirements: Aged 16-19

Traineeships – This course is for those who are close to employment and may require some work experience or to develop their Maths and English skills. It can be tailored to meet the needs of the learner and the employer they will be placed with. A Traineeship’s core aim is to progress a Trainee into employment or further learning.

Entry requirements: Aged 16-19

Vocational Studies

Insight into Industry pathways enable learners who are undecided on what vocational route they would like to take, to have their achievements recognised across different industries.

Insight into industry will support movement between different sectors and increase engagement where learners start in one area and then decide to switch to another.

Vocational Studies will allow learners to work towards a Certificate at levels Entry 3 through to Level 2, which incorporate a range of units to help develop skills within employability, personal and life skills and maths and English, whilst also developing industry knowledge.

The mixture of skills delivered prepares learners for higher levels of study, including the skills needed to progress onto their next steps. We aim to provide a carousel of project-based activities to ensure engagement and achievement.

Work experience can be offered to help those learners ready to take the next steps to employment.

Entry requirements: Aged 16-19, EHCP or Special Educational Need or disability

Personal Progress

Personal Progress has an insight to industries element which enables learners who exhibit complex needs, a multi-sensory experience which provides real life scenarios whilst incorporating vital life skills and physical development.

This pathway will support movement between different sectors and increase overall social, practical and visual awareness, further exploring and discovering the skills needed to move into adulthood.

Learners will have the opportunity to work towards a qualification in Personal Progress and/or Skills for active learners.

Qualifications will help to develop cognitive development, physical awareness, fine motor and communication skills, as well as allowing earners to become part of the community, promote independence and develop travel awareness.

The mixture of skills delivered prepares learners for adulthood and their future, including the skills needed to progress onto their next steps. We aim to provide a carousel of project-based activities to ensure engagement and achievement.

Entry requirements: Aged 16-19, EHCP or Special Educational Need or disability

How to apply?

For further information or to arrange a visit contact us on 01473 220230, or email and we will get back to you.


Apprenticeships combine practical training in a job with study. As an apprentice you’ll work alongside experienced staff, gain job-specific skills, earn a wage and get holiday pay, get time for study related to your role (usually one day a week).

Apprenticeships take 1 to 5 years to complete depending on their level.

Apprenticeships we offer

What can you expect?

This is a work based education initiative that provides a high quality route into work for school leavers, an alternative to staying at school and taking A-levels and provides an opportunity for employed people to enhance and develop their skills. Apprenticeships help with the training and development of people employed within the workplace. An apprenticeship comprises of a framework of qualifications or a standard.  These can include the following elements:

NVQ/DIPLOMA or other Technical Certificates

These are work related qualifications, which describe exactly what you should be able to do in your job role. They reflect the competency and knowledge needed to do a job effectively and show that a candidate is competent in their area of work. NVQ/Diploma/BTEC’s are based on national standards split into a series of units,

which cover all the main aspects of an occupation. Each individual unit is assessed and the NVQ/Diploma/BTEC is awarded when all of the required units have been achieved. A qualified Tutor/Assessor, supported by the workplace mentor, normally conducts assessment activities within the workplace and will visit you on a monthly basis. The framework or standard may also include English, Maths and ICT Functional Skills, Employment Rights and Responsibilities and Personal Learning and Thinking Skills.

Visit our apprenticeships page on our website for further details including course dates.

Find out more!

For further information about what we do and how we could help you, use the links to our website and follow us here on icanbea... for all the latest news, events and opportunities.

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