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Stable Staff


Job Description

Stable Staff are part of a hard working team. They have to be to be up early to care and exercise 2-3 horses a day as well as the normal yard duties of mucking and sweeping out and cleaning tack. They may work with a range of horse breeds and abilities, they can work with thoroughbreds that are worth hundreds or thousands of pounds for example.

Essentially, Stable Staff help to look after horses’ everyday needs, making sure they’re healthy and in good condition.

Entry Requirements

No qualifications necessary at the beginning, though you may want to study for a Diploma in race horse care which can be taken with the British Racing School.

To access this role, you might:

• start as an assistant groom / stable hand
• do paid or unpaid work in a stable
• take a qualification in horse care, like those offered by the British Horse Society (BHS) and the Association of British Riding Schools (ABRS)


You could also get into this job through an apprenticeship which could open the door to the racing industry.

The British Racing School offer a foundation course  for 16-22 year olds who are interested in a career in racing.

After the 14 week course they will find you a full time paid job in a working Horse Racing Yard where you can continue your training.

The British Racing School have further information on how to become Stable Staff

Required Skills

  • You will need to be passionate about horses and riding,
  • Be a good team player but also have the ability to work on your own initiative
  • Enthusiasm and keen to work in the racing industry
  • A good level of fitness

Salary Range

£10,000 to £22,000

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